


有的时候,勿听,勿闻,勿说,才是对爱人最大的信任。 Sometimes, do not listen, do not smell, do not say, is the greatest love of trust你还知道哪些描写爱情的英语句子吗?下面是我们网小编为大家准备的一些描写爱情的英语句子,欢迎大家参阅,希望大家喜欢。




Starry night, dream residues, cream condensate mist, maple leaf dancing. Autumn clouds, rain rain care, heart, splash. Everything is missing you, my dear, miss you.


I did not think that you love me but in my confidence gradually away. I hate myself, why do not know when to cherish!


When Valentine"s day meets with the Spring Festival, when the rose and chocolate meet, when I meet with you, when love and love meet. In the new year


Sincere greetings to you, a dream in this house you live under construction: cover me, summer breeze light buckles, cut from you and I embrace month, hand in hand. Would you help me to achieve this dream?


Your happiness, my sweet, your melancholy, my sadness, although I am not everything to you, I hope you will always be forever


Can not afford to go out of the twilight, a few thoughts, endless words, sincere blessings, quietly tell you, I miss you, a cordial greetings, Happy Valentine"s day!


May the light waving my little card like beautiful butterflies in your flower like dream, flying like a cheerful que you dream of flowers, sing a song of blessing.



God said, everyone is a semicircle, this life is looking for another semicircle. I found, that is you, you will always be my treasure in the palm of your hand, until the whole life


Look at you, is really beautiful, plug the Xinjiang Roast Lamb Leg; hold you ah, although the fat weight, but in my heart. For the wife you, don"t torture me, let me be quiet.


Dear, I am sorry, I can not promise to love you for ten thousand years, the only thing I can do is love you every day in my life, all my love belongs to you only one


The kiss, the hug, the sweet and warm morning; the bowl of soup, the thoughtfulness, the romantic night, my happy day, all from your giving!


Moonlight wrapped in the past time, miss will let me lose my way, memory flow freely between the heart, where you are now, you know that I am the direction of my dream, is my hope


If I were a rose, I would give you a fragrance. If I were the sun, I would give you sunshine. If I were a diamond, I would give you eternity. If I were your love, I would give you my all


If the world only ten minutes, I will remember with you through the wind and rain, if only for three minutes, I will kiss you, if only a minute, I will say I love you!


When I finally stopped close to your footsteps, suddenly found that as long as you can look like the first time you have been listening to enough


Although this Valentine"s day, I can"t spend with you, but I will use my love to you to irrigate the red roses, with the night of the moon for you, I wish you a happy Valentine"s day!


Baby, my love, my heart is with you; your heart is attached to my blood, your pace is the beat of my life; even if all Acacia turned into dust, I will never give up.



In this world, perhaps someone is better than me, but no one knows you better than I do; maybe someone is more suitable for me than you, but no one more than I love you; I will always be with you!


Because of the wind, to rain because the wicker Qingyang;, the grain can grow; because there are flowers, nature was fragrant; because of you, life was sunshine. Baby, you are my sun!


Dear, tell you, age is not a problem, height is not a distance, weight is not a pressure, money is not ability!


The flowers sweet, romantic lover. With a bunch of romantic roses, form a sincere heart, write a sweet little poem, a beautiful memory back to the sweet memories, in my heart.


Looking for a rose seed, personally sent it to the earth, every day, there are attentive, watering and pruning the branches and leaves until the ground breaking open, take it off to you, to show my love!


Miss you, want to love all over, he abruptly to you, let you slowly savor the taste of love, happiness is like a spoiled child, believe that you will embrace the whole world.


Meet is accidental, know each other is warm, love is shocking, get along is brilliant, dear, distant life, we create happiness, taste life, OK?


I love the way you look, the more I love you, even if I can"t make you happy, at least I want happiness to be with you


I use persistence and perseverance to prove that I love you for life, even if the space is too big to pull the pull of my feelings, how bumpy the road I will not give up on your love


If I were a centipede, I would hug you with one thousand hands, if I were God, I would send angels to protect you, but I am nothing, so I will only love you with my heart!


Your appearance, so that I have a script from the life of the vulgar life drama into a brilliant comedy, I will try my best to interpret more of the romantic story





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